Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on January 3, 2006 By Tova7 In Humor

I caught the tale end of a show debunking psychics. The statistics guy said that any person can pretend to be psychic and be right 40% of the time.

Well that got me to thinking.

I thought we’d put JUers to the test and see who among us is gifted. ~waggles fingers in air~

In the comments section, write down your “visions” and it can be about anything and everything you think~clears throat~ I mean you see happening in 2006. It will be more fun if you can predict something about other JUers but whatever ya got will be fine. Don’t want to crimp the flow or whatever…

Then over the course of the year we can come back to this and say AH HA! Or oops! And see who among us has the gift!

~Puts hands on temples~ I am getting something…..nope lost it. Wait here it comes again.

I see a new friend for a Joe user. A female JUer and her friend will be blond and her name will have a K in it. She will feel compelled to write about the new friend. It will cause many flame wars.

I see ~rubs head harder~ um, I see a national story involving a lake with two over turned silver canoes on the shore, it will involve a missing child or perhaps a murder.

I see…..

Well actually my sight is gone for the night. It happens.

~rolls eyes~

What do you see in 2006. En-lighten us.

~waggles fingers and widens eyes, blows bangs out of eyes~

Comments (Page 3)
3 Pages1 2 3 
on Dec 14, 2006
Number 7 was SUPPOSED to say I'll finally get a washing MACHINE!!! NOT a washing......
alright that's enough laffing

on Dec 14, 2006
So...... how many predictions came true?
3 Pages1 2 3