Edited 11/11/2012 for clarity and because I was really pissed off when I wrote this and it's just not very coherent.
“Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.”
~ Someone in the Czech Republic via a newspaper
I’m disappointed.
Yesterday the morning started out with such hope. By the time I went to bed last night. Crash and burn.
Ohio results weren’t in yet, but I could tell it was going to go for Obama. Disgusted with half my fellow buckeyes, I went to bed.
Usually a night of rest makes things seem less grim, less hopeless in the morning.
Not so today.
It’s worse.
What I can’t wrap my head around? How could white Americans vote for more debt? Why do I differentiate between white and black? Because I get racial pride. I have black friends. Even though Obama doesn’t have anything close to their background, their “black American” experience, he’s still “one of them.” I think it’s retarded to vote for or against someone based on race. Retarded when thought about logically. But emotion, and racial pride, can blunt the senses. And there is a simmering hostility in the black community.
The flavor of perceived oppression is often as bitter as the actual pill.
So I can understand the racial pride vote. Or understand it as well as a white girl in the suburbs can
So how could white, Latino, whatever vote for a man who has more debt than all other presidents combined? Are they not paying attention? And for the record, every single person I know who is on welfare, or gets SSRI, or some other gov. handout, voted BO. Without exception.
The right to vote at the federal level for president isn’t a Constitutional right. People getting checks from the government for doing nothing more than existing, shouldn’t get to vote imo. That aside….
One of the reasons this election was so important is….Obamacare. It is the cannon that will blast us over the fiscal cliff into oblivion and irrelevance. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
Can you say 50% income tax?
Don’t worry, you’ll have lots of practice. It will be part of the common American experience in the not too distant future.
It is highly ironic that in my suburb, people voted for BO, and voted down the much needed school levy. Meaning, they don’t want to pay more taxes. hahahaha. They elected the king of taxes!!
Don't get me wrong. Our current medical system is broken. The cost of care is unrealistic. There are things in Obamacare I support, but at the same time don't believe my family should be forced to pay for healthcare for grown-ass adults. It's a quandry.
History shows, as a super-power declines, it is challenged by other nations. Usually war. That’s what happens when the biggest kid on the block isn’t as strong anymore. Others, who secretly resented their power all along, or simply want the resources that kid has, gang up to bring them down. When that happens….if there is anything left of what once was America…I say we split it. Liberals and government check collecting Dems on one side, the rest on the other.
The split is already here, but for the geography anyway.
So we split officially. Obama-bots have their own place, one plagued with debt, taxes, and gov. dependency…and the rest of us? Free to build the life we choose, live or die by our own ability and ambition, unlimited by gov. tax burdens.
Our motto?
Live free or die.
Until then, I am an American.
But I have to wonder, will my grand-children be?