Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on June 21, 2010 By Tova7 In Blogging

I’m done.



Two years and gobs of learning later, I now have an MPA beside my name.  But I don’t want to talk about graduate studies, or graduate degrees.  It consumed the last two years of my life and frankly, that is enough.


I love Facebook.  Love it.  It allows re-connection with old friends, nurturing new ones, and feels like I am still part of good, but distant friends’, present. 

It is the shiny side of a new penny in the dirt, all bronze and glittering.

And damn it.  Reduced my writing to one-liners.  Simple status updates that say so much, and yet nothing at all.


A lump.

I wonder.  Did those two words have such an echo of foreboding twenty-five years ago? 


Boycotts.  Once in a great while they can be useful.  Like when I boycott chocolate in early spring to make sure my ass fits in a bathing suit over the summer.  Or when I boycott cussing.  Ok, that one rarely works.  Lets be honest. 

Some people are power-boycotters.  They boycott businesses, people, and in some instances even thoughts, in an effort to punish or correct a condition they believe the business, person or thought caused. 

I’ll boycott BP when I stop using oil.  Until then it seems a bit, well, hypocritical.


I am making plans.  Big plans.  They involve copious amounts of soil, numerous plants,trees, and a napkin blueprint.  But first, a retirement party.



The More Things Stay the Same…..

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 02, 2010

Tova, yes I am in FB mode and was looking for the button to LIKE your post...lol.

I hope all is well with you physically.  I had to have a biopsy at one point and was all freaked out. The doctor said it's probably nothing we just have to make sure it's nothing which made me feel better in the meantime and luckily it was nothing.  I hate that you have to wait so long though.  Here's a healing affirmation for you.  I do believe in the power of prayer.  Write it on your mirror in dry erase marker and say it every day. 

The power of God sustains and blesses me with perfect health.


on Jul 02, 2010


I do believe in the power of prayer

I do too Loca.  But I also believe whether it is benign or cancer has little bearing on God's ability to heal or my status in His sight.  In short, rain falls on the just and the unjust, or shit happens.  Even too (and maybe sometimes, especially for) believers. 

I'm good with that.

The doctor said it's probably nothing we just have to make sure it's nothing which made me feel better in the meantime and luckily it was nothing.

My Dr isn't so optimistic.  There are other things going on besides just a lump.  But I have always refused to borrow tomorrow's worries today.  Heh.  It is what it is....or isn't.  Meanwhile life goes on. 


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