Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on February 1, 2009 By Tova7 In Personal Computing

Last night I wanted to change my avatar.  So I deleted the old one, trying to upload the new.  It didn't work.  When I click on upload, nothing happens.


So I went to Karma's site problems article and there was an answer.


Adobe Flash 10 has issues?  So it must be done under Flash 9.  Ok. 


I removed Flash 10 from my computer, and then tried to download flash 9, but for some reason it's just not working.  I get the installation complete message from flash 9, but when I go back to JU to try to upload, it tells me I don't have a flash high enough.


Any ideas?




Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 01, 2009

For a temp fix, you can upload an avatar via the WinCustomize (or any of the game forums), and that will change it.


on Feb 01, 2009

For a temp fix, you can upload an avatar via the WinCustomize (or any of the game forums), and that will change it.

Ok thanks!  I'll try it!


on Feb 01, 2009

Ok Roy..goto wincustomize.com, sign in with your JUer info...click on "settings" in right hand corner by your name, then images, and upload!  WOOT!

Thanks Island Dog...you DA MAN!

on Feb 01, 2009

Use transparency for the area around the picture you don't want to show.

haha...um, ok but that's greek to me.  What program?


Use the 'Eclipse' marquee tool in Photoshop, on a transparent b/ground, and fill it with what you want.. blend in an image.. or whatever.

on Feb 01, 2009


i downloaded that version and it worked fine with firefox.

WOrked for me to! Thanks!

on Feb 01, 2009

haha...um, ok but that's greek to me. What program?

anything that supports transparecies or layers (photoshop and gimp are the 1st two that come to mind) then save as a '.png' file.

on Feb 03, 2009

Uhmm, I still don't see your avatar, Tova.

That's weird, I see it! hahah

Well, not on this post though...doesn't matter anyhow...the avatar I picked sucks...it looks FABULOUS on my desktop, but shrunk down, not so much.

It supposed to look like this.

on Feb 03, 2009

there it is!    though, its still 50x50 when it could be bigger (up to 100x100)

on Feb 03, 2009

Ooohh, that's way cool, Tova. Who's the artist? It reminds me of Yggdrasil.

It's called ..The Secret, but I can't read the artist's name at the bottom...too small on my desktop and I can't remember where I found it.  I love trees, and this one has it all...motion, still-ness, character, familiarity, light, shadow, death, life....hahaha..if I was a tree, I'd want to be this one.

though, its still 50x50 when it could be bigger (up to 100x100)

I tried to put it in 100 but it wouldn't take it..I'll try again.


on Feb 04, 2009

I tried to put it in 100 but it wouldn't take it..I'll try again.

make it 99x99 if it is throwing a fit.  could be a header error on the file or something like that to make it think it is a 101x101 file.  I've had that problem with jpegs before (I use a PNG for my avatar which doesn't seem to have that problem)

on Feb 04, 2009

make it 99x99 if it is throwing a fit. could be a header error on the file or something like that to make it think it is a 101x101 file. I've had that problem with jpegs before (I use a PNG for my avatar which doesn't seem to have that problem)

Kay.  I'll try it tomorrow.  I tried a 75 but it didn't work either.

We'll see how it goes.


on Feb 05, 2009

or... different file format?    i'll see what I can do tonight.

also, where are you uploading it?   Perhaps some older sites don't like any more than 50x50 even though the rules are different?

on Feb 05, 2009

You can upload 100x100 here http://www.impulsedriven.net/

on Feb 05, 2009

[quote]You can upload 100x100 here http://www.impulsedriven.net/[/quote]

also, where are you uploading it? Perhaps some older sites don't like any more than 50x50 even though the rules are different?

Great minds think alike!  Thanks Fuzzy I will check it out in the next few days.  I am swamped right now.

on Feb 05, 2009

Nope didn't work.  It doesn't do anything when I click upload on impulsedriven...must be sensitive to the flash player....oh well

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