Adios 2008. Can’t say I’m sad to see ya go.
I went to see Jay Friday.
He’s in prison here in Ohio; medium security. He is in a comprehensive cognitive behavioral therapy program as well as the AA/NA stuff I blogged about before.
I don’t want to get into all the details. Not because it’s so terrible or great but more out of exhaustion. He is at least learning some productive coping skills, which is a great thing imo. If he gets past his entitlement attitude he’ll really be rockin. It won’t be easy though, not after 37 years of it.
The holidays kept us hopping this year, and now everything is finally taken down and put away, we get to rev back into school.
I hate school. Don’t get me wrong, I love learning. I also realize how fortunate I am to be able to attend without debt or trying to juggle a full time job at the same time. The parts I hate, the parts which make me dread starting back, are twofold. First, the boring subjects. Yes, I know they are important. Yes, I know they will make my education better rounded, helping to clarify the macro picture, yadda, yadda. But really, Statistical Analysis almost did me in with how bone dry and B-O-R-I-N-G it was. And doing the hundreds of hours of research to write a 66 page analysis of statistics….gag..I throw up a little in my mouth thinking of it.
This quarter the only class that looks sleep inducing is Theory. I get the whole idea behind studying theories of a profession. The problem as I see it? No theory is ever really 100%. You have to mix them all together and come up with something workable for you and the situation you’re managing.
Well, duh. That’s exactly what the theorists did before they sat down and wrote the theory. Does it really save me time on the job? Maybe. Maybe not. I didn’t use any of the theory I took for my undergraduate.
Mostly I hate memorizing the names of people who had nothing better to do in their careers than write books on theory. Why are the names considered as relevant as the actual theory? Why not just remember the concepts? If you don’t consider the author’s name = to the theory then which is more important? Well, if you look at collegiate exams you’d think the names are the most important thing. I wonder if that’s because most of these people, who come up with the theory (in this field anyway), and then write books about it, are in fact college professors.
The second thing which makes me dread returning is the time it takes from my family. They don’t miss it, but I do. Hahahaha.
I want to try and finish the JUWC Round Robin story before the weekend is over. Not that I think its really getting read-age…but because I can’t stand to leave a story unfinished. It bugs me. Endlessly.
I know exactly where it’s going, the climax and all, but finding the time is kicking my butt right now. When school starts…..forget about it!
Thank you to all who sent Christmas cards. I didn’t send any out this year. First time ever…but I kept putting it off and then before I knew it…MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Yeah, yeah. I know.
Well I hope 2009 is a year in which your blessings multiply, grace is given abundantly, received in equal measure, and your health prospers.
Happy New Year.