Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on March 23, 2008 By Tova7 In Fiction Writing

For Sale.

Three bedroom one outhouse, tilting, all natural (green) landscaped home in a happening area.

Room for a garage in front, but not recommended since the last one was tore off by a drunk who thought it was a drive thru.

Quiet place to live, oh ok traffic can get crazy sometimes with squealing tires as people decide at the last second, "oh no I meant to go THAT way."  And you can hear the electricity hum from all the poles, but it don't do ya no harm.

In house entertainment.  People often stop in uninvited in the middle of the night asking about the road less traveled.  Like all we have to do is sit by and watch traffic patterns.

Fairly good neighborhood watch.  Occasionally visitors will wait for the Devil out in front of the house.  The new owner may want to remind them it is a fork in the road, not a crossroads.  Satan visits the crossroad about a mile up off Midlifecrisis Blvd.  We don't cotton that type round here.

Cheap-OBO-will trade for trailer.




Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Mar 29, 2008
An entire town will spring up around it in a year or two, hahah.


Yeah, and the Devil down the road can come get some pop when he's thirsty and tempt ya with his temptings in trade...ya know hell is hot and collectin souls is haaaaaard work.

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