Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on October 2, 2007 By Tova7 In Gaming

My 11 year old son asked for a 360 for his birthday next month.

He is a huge Halo fan.  Once he played Halo3 at a friend’s house, he can’t seem to talk about anything else.

But $450?!?!

That seems like a lot of money for a game system.  My husband doesn’t think the cheaper version is good.  It doesn’t have a hard drive?

Is it possible to buy the cheaper version and upgrade later?

The big question is….do you think the price will come down anytime soon?  And is this system worth the hype?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 03, 2007

just let me sell one of these extra organs and I'll get right on it

Well hurry up why doncha.  His bday is next month!

Anyway, I've been very happy with my Xbox 360 and would definitely recommend it

Heh.  Everyone seems to like it.  So I guess my little man is getting one for his bday...he will be so happy.

They have only just recently come out with the Elite version of the 360. That's the one everyone is telling you to not get. I'd agree that, for an 11 year old, it's probably not necessary. When shopping, you'll know it's the one not to get because it'll be black instead of white. This can help you to quickly narrow down what you are looking for.

hahaha.  Thanks.  Color coded really helps for xbox dummies like me.  White good, black not so good.

Thanks for the recharge link.  We will def buy the recharger.  I hate buying batteries all the time.


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