Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on June 25, 2007 By Tova7 In Blogging

Today I met Melissa.


I was in my garage sanding the trash table find by hand (http://lifehappens.joeuser.com/index.asp?AID=155909) and mumbling under my breath.  It was about 86 degrees and 80 percent humidity.  Once I stripped the piece, I found the stains.  Deep stains that no amount of sanding will erase, thus the grumbling. 


A short young woman with red hair pinned atop a sweating head approached my garage.  She was wearing a white AT&T shirt and black pants.  She asked if I wanted to switch phone service.  I said nah, I get a promo rate from Time Warner.  She said they can’t beat TW’s promo rate.


The official conversation was over.  I kept sanding expecting her to walk away, but she continued to stand there watching me.


She asked me for a glass of water.  I stopped sanding, reached into the fridge and handed her a cold bottled water.  I grabbed a chair and put it by the fan.  I invited her to sit and rest while she enjoyed the drink.


She sat.


In the back of my mind there was a soft click.  The same click I get when in situations that seem surreal, like there are two of me.  One is participating and the other is silently watching.  Comfortable with events but at the same time knowing this is a pivotal moment.  I just didn’t know if it was for her, or for me.


I went back to sanding. 


I asked how long she worked for AT&T.  She said 3 weeks, in a management program.  I asked her age….27, but she was trying not to freak out about being 28 next month.


I asked if she liked going door to door.  She said there were two others working the subdivision with her, also management trainees, but no she hated it.  They were required to do it before running their own crews to “see what its like.”


She talked about being a road rage driver, the price of gas, breaking up with her ex boyfriend a couple months ago, her mom, her sister.


I listened.


I sweated.


I sanded.


The topic switched to illegal immigrants.  She’s a Democrat but thinks all illegals should be deported and not given amnesty.  She asked which political group I claim.


I told her I’m an American; I try to vote for the person.  But, if I must choose then Republican.  (Though currently I don’t feel represented.)


She nodded and said there were some Republican ideas she liked but didn’t name them.


I kept sanding and sweating and occasionally blowing dust off my piece and sneaking peeks at her.  Unlike when I was younger, I am able to sense these “pivotal moments” and don’t rush them.  I didn’t feel the urge to talk much at all, so I listened instead.


She spent a solid 20 minutes telling me more about her self before bringing the topic back to politics. 


At that point I was compelled to offer my own views while continuing to sand, and sand, and sand.  I told her my take on personal responsibility.


She nodded, but I could tell she didn’t know what I was talking about.  So I used an example.


I am pro-life.


She’s pro-choice, but no third trimester abortions.


I asked if she knew when a fetus is human, did she have any idea?  She said no, and no one can really prove when the soul exists.  So she guessed when you can see the genitals of the child, it’s a child.


I agreed “when life begins” will probably never be agreed upon.  But why some people err on the side of death and not the side of life is beyond me.


She didn’t think the government should tell women what to do with their bodies.


I asked her how that’s different than the government telling us to wear seat belts.  Not smoke in public places.  Stuff like that.


I mentioned my issues with women who spread their legs and then want to kill a child instead of owning up to the behavior.  And especially those who want to do it at tax payer expense.


If I am queen and abortion HAS to be legal…..then the mom wouldn’t be allowed to pay someone else to do it.  I think if she wants it done, she should birth the child, and then have to look it in the face while she kills it.  She gave me a strange look.  (What?  I have strong opinions on it.  Though I must say, I don’t think I’ve ever shared that one with anyone outside of JU.)


I asked if she thought abortion was just about killing babies, or more about a woman wanting to have unprotected sex without any consequences.  And where personal responsibility played into that?


At this point her visit was well over the hour mark.


She thinks if a woman gets pregnant then “it’s her own fault.  Because that’s what condoms are for…..and, um, I think I am pregnant right now.  And it is totally MY fault.”


I asked how far along, she said maybe 6 weeks but she’s not sure.  Morning sickness and a positive pregnancy test are all she knows right now for sure.


I asked if the ex boyfriend she mentioned earlier was the dad.  She said he wasn’t but she had a good idea who was.  She wouldn’t know for sure though until she knows how far the pregnancy is.


I kept sanding and asked if she’d consider adoption.


She said no way.


I asked if the dad would help.  She smiled and told me it depended on who the dad turned out to be.


I mentioned there are some places in town that help unwed mothers.  She shrugged and said her mom and sister would help out.  She hasn’t told them, or anyone besides me, yet.  She is graduating with an associates from a local college as a paralegal next year and assured me it was a good living.


Her phone rang.  She told her two co-workers to pick her up at my house.


I kept sanding and she talked some more until her ride arrived.


As she was leaving I said, goodbye, and good luck.


She thanked me and walked away.


I stopped sanding and watched her get into the car.  She looked out the window at me, smiled, and nodded.


At that moment, I got the distinct impression Melissa came into my garage debating whether or not to have an abortion.  And when she left I think in her mind the debate was done.


I’d like to say I know what she decided, but I don’t. 


The entire episode was bizarre, in a comforting sort of way.


And I can't shake the feeling I will see her again.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 28, 2007
i personally see it as a blessing lil girl. worry about your own rotten, barren, loose lil womb. how's your buddies in the KKK by the way?

Whoa Sean. That's hateful.

I appreciate you asking questions to clarify what I said. I don't want you to think I was saying pregnancy is punishment. And I do like having someone from across the isle tapping into my blog reminding me of the other side.

But please don't use my blog as a place to be hurtful to LW. You may not like her or she you, but she shared that part of her past honestly, and I don't think its jibe material. On my blog at least.

Yes I know she took some shots at you...but none of them were personal insults about something in your past you regret and have pain about to this day.

on Jun 28, 2007
Doh, now my comment makes no sense! I agree, Tova, it was a 'delete' offense. There's a line. Sadly, I have no friends, so I must still like them both.

~I'm gonna sing a song, stop this war.~
on Jun 28, 2007
But please don't use my blog as a place to be hurtful to LW. You may not like her or she you, but she shared that part of her past honestly, and I don't think its jibe material. On my blog at least.

my apologies tova...but i hardly took the 1st shot there. in fact i don't engage her whatsoever normally. i have to still clean a dozen comments a week of hers off of my site still. i have not written 1 thing on her site since late march or early april. most of the things i have to take off are vile, hateful, crude trash. on other people's blogs, i don't address her at all. the same went here. it was SHE who a) accused me of saying things i didn't say and tried to paint me as something i'm not. and was so obsessed over it she HAD to immediately write another full article on it. in addition to that, she dragged my wife and family into the discussion. that was the last straw. the fact is she has no shame or decency.

again, i apologize, but talk to your lil obsessed friend about proper conduct. i never go after her unprovoked. occasionally, i just get tired of being swiftboated.

but i said what i had to say. if you wish to cleanse your blog comments, i have no problem with that, as long as you take all the posts where both she and i referred to each other. be fair about it at least please.
on Jun 28, 2007
~I'm gonna sing a song, stop this war.~

thank you for your support   
WWW Link

please don't forget to feed the puppy while yer there tho, ok?
on Jun 28, 2007
Hey, a song might not stop Iraq, but it might stop a flame-war from continuing...
on Jun 28, 2007

but i said what i had to say. if you wish to cleanse your blog comments, i have no problem with that, as long as you take all the posts where both she and i referred to each other. be fair about it at least please.

I don't delete comments.  They can stand.

Thanks for complying.

Doh, now my comment makes no sense! I agree, Tova, it was a 'delete' offense

I didn't see it...whatever it was, and didn't delete anything either.  So I am in the dark here.


on Jun 28, 2007
I didn't see it...whatever it was, and didn't delete anything either. So I am in the dark here.

i used some language orig. that i later thought better of. i censored myself (using asteriks) but later, partly because of jy's comment, i decided to to take out a certain word that doesn't need repeating necessarily.
on Jun 28, 2007
Sorry, I misplaced Sean's comment and thought it had vanished due to your doing. But, I see it now. Thank you for editing, Sean, even though it still sucks what you said.   
on Jun 28, 2007
Look up the definitions before you go telling others what certain words mean or don't mean. Owning up to one's mistakes (confession) and accepting responsibility, (not forcing others to pay for your mistakes, as in aborting an innocent child) have nothing to do with punishment at all

when one "owns up" or "accepts responsiblility" that means they are willing to accept the punishment. nice try,,,but you are wrong...again.

That is a farking lie, Sean. You do know that Karma and other admins can check that, don't you? Even if you've 'deleted' them? Would you like me to ask her to do that for us? I've made one comment on a thread of yours in the past month or so

well, perhaps i'm being a bit hyperbolic, but you are certainly lying when you say "1 post in a month or so" ...i am sure if it is averaged from april thru today, the numbers will be closer to my hyperbole than your innocent claim. hell i had to delete at least 1 post that i remember, you kept repeatedly posting at least 4 times cause you are so dense.

and whether or not simon is participating is irrelevant. he is welcome, at least for now. you are not. the fact that you can't get that thru your thick skull after 3 months speaks volumes of you.

sure, have your crony karma "check it out" to show your lies. even tho it has been clearly shown that she will blindly defend you, until, like i had to do before, clearly show her what the facts actually are. i'm sure you'll try to spin it to your favor, but it will clearly show, regardless of the actual number of posts, your clear obsession with me. let's compare how many times i have posted on your site since april and how many times you invaded mine. and that is not only on my blog, but all over JU. there's probably hardly an active blogger on this site who's posts haven't been infected with your obtuse attacks on me in your delusional "i am ann coulter" state.

just like here where tova and i were having a decent discussion and you changed all that with your filth and bile. the fact is, no one needs to look anything up, the evidence is right here on this page. but, if you insist,,,

Go For It lil girl!   
on Jun 28, 2007
Hey Tova!

YOu are my hero! I wish I was as quick on my feet as you were with that lady. Way to go dear lady!
on Jun 28, 2007
Yes, I think I will, especially since you seem to think you backed Karma off on your last tirade against her. I suppose it never occured to you that she's busy and doesn't hang on ju often.

blah, blah, blah...whatever lil girl.

You're a sick puppy, SC. I feel infinitely sorry for anyone who has to endure your bullshit in real life, and yes, that includes your wife and kids.

ok, i mentioned this before...last time...you will leave my wife and kids out of this you fat little disfigured and delusional troll. you feel sorry??? more like jealous!  

just do me a favor,,,actually, don't do it for me...do it for all those people you supposedly give a damn about...take this crap to your own blog instead of hijacking tova's with your crap. i'm getting tired of apologizing for your lack of any decency on everyone else's blog as your sickness infects them.

that way, at least others don't have to be subjected to your illness.
on Jun 28, 2007
ok children....back to your corners. Enough already.

on Jun 28, 2007
Here are a few suggestions that one of my friends recently emailed....they may help us lighten up here on JU.

Accept that some days you're the pigeon and some days you are the statue.

Always keep your words soft and sweet just in case you have to eat them.

Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you wont' have a leg to stand on.

We could learn a lot from crayons...some are sharp, some are pretty, and some are dull. Some have wierd names, and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.

The Good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
on Jun 29, 2007

Tova, I won't respond to this jackass on your thread again. I did take a minute to thoroughly disprove his claims of harrassment, obsession, and stalking, though, and for those of you who appreciate truth, you can read it here.

Ok.  I'm sorry he said those hateful things to you LW.  I said I don't delete comments, but then I got to thinking about it.  Name calling, fighting, whatever...fine.  But I don't want my blog to become a place where people who make themselves vulnerable by disclosing info on a topic I choose are mocked.  So that info, that vulnerable spot, is off limits on my blog (and will be deleted from now on).



Of course all other spots are free to be kicked and picked...heh.
on Jun 29, 2007

sure, have your crony karma "check it out" to show your lies.

Excuse me?  "Crony"?  What the? 

Yes, I think I will, especially since you seem to think you backed Karma off on your last tirade against her

There was a tirade against me?  I guess I will have to actually go read what you said, Sean.  I try to avoid your articles like the plague, but since you said these things to me by HIJACKING Tova's blog, I guess I will have to see what was said.

And, as a note to both Sean and LW, please let Tova's blog get back on track.  It's a great article and makes for a great discussion, it doesn't deserve mud slinging in the middle of it.

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