Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on February 6, 2007 By Tova7 In Blogging

Here are a few shots of some birds who come to feed in our yard.  Today, with all the snow, the red ones really stand out.  (Of course I couldn't get any closer without them flying away.)



Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 08, 2007
the state bird here is the mosquito

I KNOW that's Alaska's state bird. They are huge. We used to joke getting bit by one was like donating blood. heh.

the magnificent cardinal birds

Yeah I love em.

And they creep the hell out of me.

It's ok. I'll protect you and if I am busy my three year old can hold your hand. buwhahahahahaha
on Feb 09, 2007
I'll protect you and if I am busy my three year old can hold your hand. buwhahahahahaha

Glad for the moral support . . .

PS why they scare me - I don't know if you're familiar with the cover to Iron Maiden's album "Fear of the Dark" but there's a scary tree Eddie on the cover of that album that used to scare me as a child. Thus, trees+faces=scared lil' Braeden.

And of course, those terrors stay with a bloke as he grows.
on Feb 09, 2007
I KNOW that's Alaska's state bird. They are huge. We used to joke getting bit by one was like donating blood. heh.

I always liked the original "in-Laws" with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin - where Falk tells of the Tse-tse flies in central america that carry off children.
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