This morning at 3am my three year old started screaming, not a cry out for his mama, but a blood curdling “I AM TERRIFIED” type scream. He’s never screamed like that in his entire life.
I jumped out of my warm cocoon of quilts and in the three seconds it took to get to my bedroom door I thought …. nightmare, but since he was still screaming, a stranger in his room.
Too late, I already passed the baseball bat.
I yanked my bedroom door open, sleep completely gone from my eyes, heart pounding hard.
He shot out of his room, still screaming, into my arms. My eyes went immediately to the gaping dark behind him and asked what was wrong.
I couldn’t understand because he was shaking and so scared. So I went into his room to look around. Finally he told me a “bad robot eat me.”
So it was a nightmare. He was clinging. I put him in my bed where he refused to let go of my neck.
I can not sleep with a child wrapped around my head. As soon as he drifted back off, I tried to disengage, he started whimpering again. I held him close and he stopped. He slept, I didn’t. But I did get a crick in my neck that hurts whenever I look off to the right.
That was some robot dream. Its effects linger even in the light of day.
The wind is howling here now. It rained for 24 hours straight and finally stopped an hour or so ago. I actually see the sun and blue sky. But as I write this, the clouds have moved back in and all is once again, gray.
We have a couple huge trees in our backyard with splits in the trunk. My husband and I disagree as to the severity of the splits and so he refuses to cut them down, but for my peace of mind, intends on having them "tied" by landscapers when he returns. If we get ice, or the 50 MPH winds anticipated, I may have a tree in my family room. Yeah, Merry Christmas.
So the winds are picking up, bringing in a cold front and knocking branches off the trees onto the roof of our house. Another blood curdling scream. My little one is frightened today and is jumping at every little thing. My neck hurts and I’m exhausted.
Shesh, that was some dream.