Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Boston Marathon
Published on April 17, 2006 By Tova7 In Sports & Leisure

Right now, this second, my husband is running the Boston Marathon.

He is running with professional athletes from all over the world.  Professional meaning, they are sponsored and paid to run these races.  Hey, its a good gig if you can get it.

This is the first time he is running against people from Africa and Italy.  Even as a "recreational" runner, he admires the sheer speed and endurance of these athletes.

The runners are wearing GPS on their shoe strings.  (Shocking considering most serious runners want to go with the lightest weight shoe...even paying $200 for what amounts to no more than a 10 ounce throw away shoe...it is so light it wears out after 26 miles.  I can't believe they'd actually add a couple ounces for this gps thing.)  Anyway, they tie it to their shoe and then go.  I get email updates that tell me where he is and how he is doing.

I think that is so cool.  This is my latest update:

110th Boston Marathon 2006
At 12:43 PM, Rob at 10K.
Pace: 04:15
Projected Finish Time:  2:58:39 (Net)
Not too bad considering he is running with a stress fracture on his right ankle.  But I am sure those guys and gals from Kenya are passing him like he is standing still!  Buwhahahaha.
If you want to check out the sight...its pretty cool..lots of info.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 25, 2006

The Air Force Marathon in Ohio? I've always wanted to run that one. Hills are what I run on mostly, well actually, mountains. My house in the mountains is at 7500 feet and there are very few flat places. I'm glad your hubby's ankle is OK. Running on a stress fracture is not a good idea.

Yes the one in Ohio. My hubby heard the Columbus Ohio Marathon is the easiest course on the "circuit" (I think that means that has big cash prizes?) Anyway, he was told to get his "best" time he should run that one.

If you run mountains than you should run the North America Marathon in Alaska.....Actually I can't remember the exact name of it...its billed as the "toughest course in North America" hahahaha.

When you start they tell every runner....expect to tack 30 minutes onto your time. That's because only part of the course is on pavement/gravel/dirt. Then most of it is on a little deer trail up the side of a mountain, then back down the other side through brush and what not. Most of the winners were bleeding when they finished. There wasn't a cash pot though so it doesn't draw the big names. It does draw people from all over the world just because its really tough.
on Apr 25, 2006
KFC, you are a hoot. Though my horse just died...I had 15 good years with her...I never was tossed off her back. There is a book I am reading now about Paul as a mythmaker, essentially creating Jesus in his view for the world. Its written by a Talmudic scholar. I'll share some as I get through it. I read your piece on the synoptics. Nice job. I am one of those "few" who not only read them, but studied them as well. I'll comment soon.

HAHAHA You are so brave!

Was that a gauntlet?

Can't wait to read the article as well as the exchanges!
on Apr 25, 2006
Yes the one in Ohio. My hubby heard the Columbus Ohio Marathon is the easiest course on the "circuit" (I think that means that has big cash prizes?) Anyway, he was told to get his "best" time he should run that one.

For my money, the fastest course is Las Vegas. I ran that one a few years ago. Flat and well staffed, no humidity to speak of, and the altitude is not a factor. The hardest would be Pike's Peak in my opinion. They actually run up the peak then back down. I ran the Garden of the Gods one year at its base and took the train to the top of Pike's Peak. After a few minutes walk, I really needed some oxygen. To attempt to "run" that climb and then back down would be, well, crazy! There is a marathon in Alaske though that is intriguing to me. I can't recall the full name but it has to do with the mayor of a town and midnight.

Be well.
on Apr 25, 2006
I can't recall the full name but it has to do with the mayor of a town and midnight.

Yeah that's the Mayor's Midnight Run Marathon....Link

The big draw is you are running at midnight and the sun is up...it is a scenic run, very pretty. And you meet runners from all over the world.

But its not challenging as far as courses go.

And after living in Alaska for several years and enduring the endless days of summer, literally, and the endless darkness of winter...well its not a "draw" for us!
on Apr 25, 2006
The one I'm talking about in Alaska in The Equinox Marathon...its in the interior...Link

Of course they bill it as the "toughest in NA" but I don't know if that's official...most of this is literally deer trail..or was 5 years ago when my husband ran it. As you can see there are no flat spots!
on Apr 25, 2006
Some photos from the race....

Not exactly pavement runnning!hahahahaha
on Apr 25, 2006
Hey! Great pics. I took a look at the website, as well. It seems there's not a course cut-off time, but there are not a lot of runners in the field either. Interesting. I love running on trails or cross country. I will consider this race. Thanks! Any idea when the 2006 race will be run?
on Apr 25, 2006

Any idea when the 2006 race will be run?

September 17th every year.

Heres the link.http://www.equinoxmarathon.org/01-raceinfo/2005/RaceInfo.htm

on Apr 25, 2006
Tova, My son would love that tough run in Alaska. I'm going to tell him about it although he can't afford really to go right now as he is a poor struggling college student.

He's running Div 1 right now but I see him in the future running ultra's. He ran Mount Washington in NH which attracts some of the biggest names in Mountain Running in the world. It's 7 plus miles straight up. The temp changes drastically. Last year he ran up in a tee shirt and almost got frostbit at the top. It can be very dangerous at the top. It was his first year doing this and he won his age group. He hated it he said when he came back down but guess what? He signed up again this year. It's a lottery system to get in unless you do well the previous year and then you get an automatic pass.

You couldn't pay me to do this. Maybe walk up but run...ya, right. I'll stick to 10K's on horizontel turf. The vertical stuff is for the birds...
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