Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on March 20, 2006 By Tova7 In Home & Family

A thumping red white and blue basketball on the concrete drive is becoming the background music of our home.  My ten year old son spends most days now, as winter turns to spring, attempting to make every shot his skinny arms propel toward the basket.


In the last several days the thumping is more sporadic and even halting for long periods of time.  Every time I notice this phenomenon I look out to see the cause.


There standing in my drive is a well developed, curvy, twelve year old woman child.  She just moved in with her grand parents next door.  When the basketball starts stuttering, I know she is on the court.


I was debating on when to start talking to my son about sex.  This and a few other things  propelled me to do it now.


Yesterday I brought him into the kitchen and this is how the conversation went.


“H do you know the difference between boys and girls?”  I asked.


He rolled his eyes.  He is an innocent ten, but still thinks he knows everything.


“Uh yeah mom.  Girls have boobies.”  He said.


I nodded.  “And is that it?”


He sucked his teeth.  “Yeah.”


I said, “Well no baby that’s not the only physical difference.  Girls don’t have a penis.”


His blue eyes rounded.  “Huh?”


I said, “Remember the other day when your brother (3 year old) was saying ‘uh oh mommy!  No pee pee.  Mommy’s pee pee ran away!’


H nodded.


I said, “Well what do you think he meant?  He saw me in the shower and was shocked to see I was missing something.”


H snorted.  “I never listen to him mom.”


I said, “So tell me H what have you heard at school.  Have you heard about sex?”


He sat up straight and took a deep breath (obviously glad to be on firm ground).  He said, “Well, I know one thing for sure.  Girls can’t pee unless they’re on their period.”



I laughed I couldn’t help myself.


I said, “Nope that’s not quite right, but it is funny!”


I explained the basic anatomy of a woman ‘down there’ and used all the appropriate names.  Then explained in sketchy details how a woman has a period and gets pregnant, by her husband of course!


When I was done, his face was red and he looked like he just ate a very sour lemon.


He said, “Why would anyone want to EVER get married?  That is gross!  Girls are gross!”  (Which reminded me of the time he said he was never getting married because our house would be too crowded.)


I said, “Well I will remind you of that when your hormones are flying and you hit puberty.  Remember our talk about puberty?”


He nodded.


“So tell me what I just told you about sex.”  I said.


He sighed and looked at me like I was making him eat broccoli or clean the toilet.  “A boy gets married and uses the bathroom in a girl, and she has a baby.”


I laughed again.  That wasn’t quite right, but close enough for now I guess.


I said, “Do you have any questions?”


He said, “No!  Are we done?”


I said, “Just one more thing.  Anytime you hear something at school from your friends, come home to me and we’ll talk about it.  Most of it will probably be wrong so don’t  be freaked out if you hear something from your friends that is scary or weird.”


He looked me right in the eye and said, “Mom my friends could never say anything weirder than what you just told me.”


I raised my eyebrows and said, “We’ll see.  You can go back outside now.”


He jumped up and started to trot out the kitchen door when he sighed.


I said, “What’s wrong?”


He said, “That old gross girl is always coming over trying to play basketball mom.  Doesn’t she have any manners?  Doesn’t she know she wasn’t invited?”

I said, “H she just moved in and is trying to make friends.  If you don’t want her over here though, I can talk to her.”


He rolled his eyes (he’s at that stage, sometimes I wonder if he ever sees anything but the ceiling all day).  “Maybe if I ignore her she will go away.”


Today when the basketball started stuttering, I looked out and my son was doing his very best to pretend she wasn’t standing right in front of the basket talking.


Finally, she slapped the ball out of his hand to get his attention.  He looked at her and she giggled.  Then she ran (assuming I suppose he would chase her).  He picked up his basketball, muttering under his breath and started dribbling again.  No stutters.


She didn’t come back….yet.


I wonder how long it will be before the roles are reversed, and he is the one looking for her company?


ARGH!  Hopefully a loooooooooong time.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 21, 2006

Seriously, though, tova, it is good that he isn't getting caught up in the trend of developing those interests early

Yeah, I don't know why he is immune to it right now.  I don't think his little brother will be this way though, but I can hope!

I do like that he didn't even know the diff between a girl and guy....I mean I know a kid who was caught watching the porno channel (hey they were stealing cable and you have to take the good with the bad I guess, can't block one) when he was 4....his parents were so upset they actually stopped stealing cable because of it!

How funny is that?

on Mar 21, 2006
It don't get no better as they get older, just this wkend our 16yr old son comes home from his bag boy job, only to have a condom fall out of his coat pocket ( initial reaction is positive...he is prepared to be careful)
Negatives began once we realized he'd only dated his new girl friend for two weeks ( too fast son, respect her, or lose her if she's that,er, willing)
Sex without committment conversation is met with sighs and embarrasement...but I think he did listen, or at least I hope he listened
on Mar 21, 2006
girls I see round here wearing skirts with their ass hanging out...and g strings...grosses me out!

She thinks that thongs are gross and had me buy her 'boy short' underwear like I wear this past weekend. Heck, I'm a grown woman and ever I won't wear G-strings with skirts - even if they are ankle length. For a child to be wearing them - that's nasty. What the hell are these parents thinking? Christ, we're sexualizing our kids waaaay to early - we've got little 7 year old girls wearing short skirts and knee high boots to school, worrying about not having a boy friend because they're not 'hott' - when they should be scraping their knees and playing jump rope and thinking boys are gross and have cooties!

Uh, could you splain it to me? I've never heard of cupid hair before. Though I think I might know what it is, and I wonder why it would be called cupid?

He mixed up the letters in 'pubic' and saw 'cupid' instead. I thought it was cute - he thought it was gross.

Davey had an experience a few years ago that's put him off girls and sex for life, or so he says. My friend Molly had just had a baby (and a huge episiotomy), and we went to see her and her new little boy at her home. As we were leaving she stood up and winced: "my stitches are killing me" she said. On the way home Davey asked me id Miss Molly had got cut, and if she did where she got cut at because he didn't see any band-aids or any stitches. His dad and I explained to him what the stitches were for and where they were at, and he visibly shuddered and said he was never having kids, ever, because that was gross.

I wonder how long that's going to last.....
on Mar 21, 2006

Sex without committment conversation is met with sighs and embarrasement...but I think he did listen, or at least I hope he listened

Yeah I bet that's a hard one especially once you "know" they're already having sex.  I am sure he listened.  My son lhears everything I say (ha I make him repeat it back to me) but he likes to pretend he's not paying attention.


on Mar 21, 2006

He mixed up the letters in 'pubic' and saw 'cupid' instead. I thought it was cute - he thought it was gross

that is hilarious!  IT does sound better as cupid I think!

and he visibly shuddered and said he was never having kids, ever, because that was gross.

I wonder how long that's going to last.....

That is funny!  Kids are so smart and innocent sometimes.

I hope it lasts just long enough, but not too long that I start wonderin'! 

on Mar 21, 2006
Um, I certainly hope you are teaching him ANYONE can be conniving and not just girls. I don't think it has a lot to do with gender. Young girls are learning the mating game and their power in it at 14 just as are young men. Some wield it better than others.

True, however, his concern at this point in his life is with girls, and the only conniving experiences he's had are the result of interacting with girls.
on Mar 21, 2006

True, however, his concern at this point in his life is with girls, and the only conniving experiences he's had are the result of interacting with girls.

Only first hand experience, but yea, Charmin and the other sure lead me down the primrose path.  I know there are ferrets out there that are male, but there are weasels of women too.

on Mar 21, 2006
OOOooooh I'm so glad I'm done with this T. But it was interesting going thru these times. We didn't encourage our boys to date....in fact we tried to discourage it saying they had enough to worry about with their HW and sports. They were all very sports oriented which really helped. Keep em busy I'd say. Only my middle son dated in HS and he's about to marry that girl soon. We had them read that book...."I kissed Dating Goodbye" by Josh Harris. He made alot of sense.

We were not the norm for parents I must say but there were a few others. Now all three boys are very serious about the girls they are dating and they've been long term relationships. For all three it's their first girlfriends. My other two didn't start dating until college and I bet both will marry these girls as well. It wasn't for lack of trying tho from the girls. I even had mothers who were trying to get their daughters fixed up with my sons. One mom drove her daughter to my house to pick up my son for a date to the movies. He was 12. I put my foot down. He didn't even want to go. I had another mother buying my son all sorts of things even driving him home from school after sports when he needed a ride...allthe time. She did everything she could to try and put her daughter and my son together. It didn't work. I was starting to think the mom had a thing for him. He would shrug and say..."At least I know I can get a ride home."

on Mar 22, 2006

We didn't encourage our boys to date

I've really never heard of this approach.  It sounds great but I have to wonder if the down side isn't them latching on to the first girl they date "first love" and marrying them.  I remember how hard the first love is to get over...and even after too many years to say I often wonder about him, but thank God everyday I never married him!haha.

I would like my boys to not date too much, but enough to learn how to treat a girl, and how to decide what qualities he likes, what things he doesn't, I mean person habits not so much moral issues here.

I will check that book out though...now I am curious!

on Mar 22, 2006
Tova this was very funny.

“A boy gets married and uses the bathroom in a girl, and she has a baby.”

yup, that was the best.
on Mar 22, 2006

yup, that was the best

HAHA.  Kinda like a toilet with reproduction capabilities.....NIIIIIIICE.

on Mar 22, 2006
will check that book out though...now I am curious!

Ya, it was good. The young man that wrote it did a follow up called "Boy Meets Girl." It was about meeting his wife. He's also a very sought after speaker especially after those books came out. If you're familiar with Focus on the Family with James Dobson, he's had him on the radio as well and you can listen to a past broadcast. He's been on a couple of times including a speech to a Jr High or HS group. He really knows how to speak to the young people. He talks to the boys and to the girls and you can hear the laughter in the background. He hits the nail on the head while he speaks their language.

The good thing about waiting to date is maturity. Most kids get too emotionally attached too early and it's devastating. They then go from gal to gal or boy to boy. And I think it sets them up easier for divorce down the road.

I liken dating to duct tape. When you are emotionally attached to a person both physically and emotionally it's like taking a piece of duct tape and taping it to your arm. You are tied together. When you break it off for whatever reason, it's like ripping that tape off...separating. It hurts and hurts badly. Then when the next relationship comes along you put the tape back on. It's not quite as tight but still sticks ok. After a few more relationships come and go, the tape is loosely fit. It doesn't quite hurt as much or stick as well, depending on how many times you've been ripping it off.

With each tear, stuff gets left behind and added to the next adhesion. So I think the less dating one does before he gets married, the better it will stick and less baggage comes into the marriage. That's what I've seen not only with my boys, but just in general.
on Mar 22, 2006
We didn't encourage our boys to date

I've really never heard of this approach. It sounds great but I have to wonder if the down side isn't them latching on to the first girl they date "first love" and marrying them. I remember how hard the first love is to get over...and even after too many years to say I often wonder about him, but thank God everyday I never married him!haha.

We tend to downplay dating as well. We believe in "courtship" rather than dating. There are substantial differences between the two, and although at times it may seem similar, the attitude is entirely different. If you're interested in hearing more about the different philosophies, though, I'd rather discuss them privately, as many nonChristians tend to have a heyday with it because they don't understand our personal beliefs. I will only say this much: courtship is NOT "arranged" marriages, and we don't hide our daughters behind burqas.
on Mar 22, 2006

We tend to downplay dating as well. We believe in "courtship" rather than dating

This is probably more along the lines of what I mean when I say "date."

For example, I was pretty immature as a teen...ok I won't lie, I was the biggest immature brat you can imagine.....when I "dated" it was good for me because it let me know right away what I wanted in a future mate.

For example, I dated a guy who was a straight A student my junior year.  He was such a nice guy all the parent's wanted their daughters to date him.  He asked me out, and I figured, Sure why not?  He's a nice guy.  So we went to a festival down on the river.  We chatted and walked around.  It was fun.  But by the end of the night I KNEW he was not the kind of guy I wanted to ever be with.  He was a bit free with his hands, but I handled that well enough.  I can't really put my finger on it, but I left thinking, this guy isn't as nice one on one as he is in a group.

Second example, I dated a drop dead gorgeous "musician" my junior year.  I didn't know he was in a band until our second date when he played my favorite Scorpions song on his lead guitar for me.  He was great and we had so much fun together, fairs, movies, eating out, talking.  But after awhile I knew he wasn't the kind of guy I'd marry.  There were lots of reasons, but the main one was he was toooooo into me.  Calling a lot, sending me flowers, stuff like that.  I remember thinking, SHESH I am only 16!  I'm not your wife! hahahaha.

When I say date I mean just that.  Spending time getting to know someone with no expectations.  No goodnight kiss, no holding hands.  Just hanging out in a populated place.  And most of the time I paid my own way and made it dependent upon a yes or no to a date.  I figured why should a guy my age, who is probably working the same type job I am, pay for me?  We are spending time together, getting to know one another.  Why should he have to pay for my time?

But that was me...and when I met and started dating my husband, he had a hard time with that part.  But he got over it quick enough!


on Mar 22, 2006

The good thing about waiting to date is maturity. Most kids get too emotionally attached too early and it's devastating. They then go from gal to gal or boy to boy. And I think it sets them up easier for divorce down the road.

I think it depends on the person.  I dated a lot.  I had over a dozen boyfriends before I met my husband.  If anything, dating showed me what traits in a person I didn't want in my husband.  Our 10 year anniversary is next month, and we have had zero marital problems.  When I met my husband, I knew he was the "one" because I had already met ones that weren't.

Now, my husband had never dated anyone before me, and it showed.  It was hard for him to adjust to having to consider somebody else when making decisions, or to compromise on certain things.


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