Disturbia, fiction, family, friends, and everything else between the lions.
Published on May 8, 2009 By Tova7 In Current Events

I am so sick.

I shoulda known.

Yesterday I was feeling kinda warbly.  It's a feeling somewhere between a brain fog and shaking uncontrollably.  I thought it was too much caffeine.  I don't get sick very often.

The crud is going around.  No, not that crud.  Just a cold/flu/upper respiratory thing.  I couldn't sleep last night, my mind spinning off in a thousand directions.  It's hard to sleep when you can't breath through your nose.  And I hate that mouth breathing thing.  Makes my throat hurt.

I ended up in Gavin's room.  He has it too and sleeps with a humidifier.  So I went into his room for some relief.  My throat stopped hurting but I couldn't lose consciousness.  Meaning, I think I slept in spurts, but I always felt totally conscious.

I have a monster crap load of work to do, but seriously all I want to do is take a shower and lay on the couch.  My head is throbbing, my lungs are tight, my nose is stuffy, and the bags under my eyes need recycled.



Did you see the photo of the woman with a face transplant?  At first glance I was like, wow, that wasn't very successful, she looks freaky.  But its all about perspective isn't it?  Once I saw the before photo, ahhh, yeah, it was a frigging coup!

This is after her husband shot her face off, then after the surgery.


Of course this is what she looked like before....which all goes back to perspective again.


He shot her right in the face.  Man, that is some serious hate there.  How can people hate that deep?

That sounds like a title to a book, Hate That Deep.

Maybe she should sell her story.  Maybe she already has.

Blah.  Blah.  Blah.

I'm such a paaaaar-tay when sick.




on May 08, 2009


on May 08, 2009

Hey T so sorry you're sick. 

I'm thinking it's the crazy change of weather thing in your neck of the woods.  Do you think so? 

We've been here a year and a half and no sickness at all.  The weather is near constant for the most part so no extreme ups and downs too much anyway.  I was always getting sick in Maine when the season changed usually a throat thingy. 

The last time I came to your town you were having teeth problems if I remember right.  Well guess what? 

I'll be in Dayton next week.  The husband and I are driving in from Lynchburg with David and Aly (about 8 hours) on Tuesday.  We'll be staying with Brian and Amanda until maybe late Friday. 

If you have anytime at all in your busy schedule let me know.  Otherwise I'm guessing I'll be back either in the summer or the fall. 

....and it's not because I love Dayton.......


on May 08, 2009

I'll be in Dayton next week. The husband and I are driving in from Lynchburg with David and Aly (about 8 hours) on Tuesday. We'll be staying with Brian and Amanda until maybe late Friday.

Call me if you get a chance...I'd like to  see you.  Hubby is out of town for a couple months though, and I am swamped with a community service project, so we'll play it by ear.

The last time I came to your town you were having teeth problems if I remember right.

Yeah, root canal.  OUCH!


on May 08, 2009

I  miss hearing from you Tova!


Re:  the face transplant

I agree, she still looks strange, but wow -- from what she came from -- wow.  And then when I saw her before she was shot.  It just made me sad.  How awful.

Did you read he only served 7 years?

Adrian said someone should shoot him in the face.


on May 09, 2009

Once upon a time I was having some trouble with a senior NCO who didn't care much for me and I didn't care much.  One of my soldiers, a longshoreman by trade who was serving in the Army as an alternative to serving in jail, made an offer to handle my problem.  He said he would approach this senior NCO some evening and "cut his face off".  I always thought that was a funny line...until now.

on May 09, 2009

Adrian said someone should shoot him in the face.

Actually I'm pretty sure I saw that he was drunk, shot her, then shot himself in the head.  The picture I saw of him, he wore an eye patch.  Maybe he shot his own eye out.

Still, that's not even close to what she has to live with the rest of her life.

I miss hearing from you Tova!

I'm sorry.  I've been really busy with school, and I've been cheating on JU over at livejournal.  Sabrina is there too...a bunch of JUers are.



on May 09, 2009

"cut his face off". I always thought that was a funny line...until now.

HE might have a career in the black market.